Cách 1: Cấu hình bằng CLI.
1) Configure firewall address with the type geography.
# config firewall address
edit "restriction_poland"
set type geography
set country "PL" <----- Only allow connections from country Poland.
2) Configure firewall address group.
# config firewall addrgrp
edit "Geo_restriction_ssl_vpn"
set member "restriction_poland"
3) Configure the firewall address group as the source-address under ssl vpn settings.
# config vpn ssl settings
set servercert "Fortinet_Factory"
set tunnel-ip-pools "SSLVPN_TUNNEL_ADDR1"
set tunnel-ipv6-pools "SSLVPN_TUNNEL_IPv6_ADDR1"
set port 444
set source-interface "wan1"
set source-address "Geo_restriction_ssl_vpn"
Cấu hình trên GUI.
1) Go to Policy & Objects -> Addresses, select 'Create new', select the address Type as 'Geography' and select the country to allow.

Nếu có nhiều Quốc gia cho phép VPN thì tạo theo Group
2) Once created the country on the addresses the same has to be mapped on the firewall SSL-VPN settings to restrict the access.
Go to VPN -> SSL-VPN Settings, in 'Restrict Access' select 'Limit access to specific hosts', and add a host to allow for accessing the VPN.
Vì vậy, chỉ những địa chỉ IP khu vực đã chọn mới có thể kết nối với SSL-VPN.